In order to meet the needs of our military personnel, Horses of Hope has created a division just for our Military Veterans, Heroes & Horses. We are proud to offer this program to our past and present military personnel at no cost to the Veteran, in honor of their dedicated service to our country.

Movement of the horses is similar to a human's walking motion and this can strengthen specific muscle groups and increase balance that may not be provided with traditional physical therapy.

Horses are the mirrors to our souls. Bonding with a 1,000 lb loving animal can be emotionally satisfying and comforting. It improves in development of patience, emotional control, self discipline by way of repetition from start to finish of a visit with the horses and grooming. Interactions with horses also helps with anxiety. Horses naturally react strongly to a person's anxiety, this can act as a mirror for the Veteran to become aware of and learn to control their anxiety level. The Veteran will learn to read the horses behavior and react in a way that de-escalates anxiety in both horse and Veteran.

If you are interested in this program please email us.